Thistle Featured Image


Thistle Block Outline EG
Thistle Block Outline

The original block that Thistle is based on is shown at the left. This block in itself is drawn on a base of a 4 x 4  x 2″squares grid. The dashed lines in this image have been drawn in to show the construction lines of the block.

The base of the completed Tangled Line Art piece is a 3 (horizontal) x 2 (vertical) grid of the original block.  Each block within the completed piece is drawn in the same orientation as the original block. When completing the piece, I used the construction lines of the blocks as a guideline to help me decide how I would complete the piece.

To my way of thinking, the most dominant section of this piece is the teal diagonal (in the sample block) and these areas were completed first. From there, I completed the areas shown in cerise in the sample block. Next came the areas that I think of as the background areas i.e. the areas shown in the light brown in the original block.

When I first decided to use this block as a basis for this piece, I was expecting that the end result would essentially be two rows of interlocking, overlapping chevron stripes in two different colours. I did get two chevron stripes though so the end result was partly what I expected. 🙂

Some Other Suggestions for Layouts

Thistle Block Colourway 1
Thistle Block Colourway 1
Thistle Block Colourway 2
Thistle Block Colourway 2
Thistle Block Colourway 3
Thistle Block Colourway 4
Thistle Block Colourway 4


Please note that in the layouts shown above, I have included a basic border. I have not included a border in my completed Tangled Line Art piece, Thistle. Off course, there is no reason why a border could not be added.

Each of the colourways shown at left shows the same block repeated in a 3 x 2 grid. The same colours are used to colour each block, however, I have varied the colour used within the different sections. This creates an overall different effect. At the risk of stating the obvious :), you will also create totally different Tangled Line Art piece by using the same outline but colouring it differently.


Off course, there are also multiple other ways you could colour the same ‘block’ to create further effects. Consider creating your own original way of colouring the block to create your own original piece 🙂

The completed Tangled Line Art piece, Thistle, was created using Colourway 1 as a base.

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