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Geometric Patterns Colouring Books – Now Available

Geometric Patterns Volume 1 - Colour More, Stress Less - 60 Inspirational Designs
Geometric Patterns Volume 1 – Colour More, Stress Less – 60 Inspirational Designs
Geometric Patterns Vol 2 - Colour More, Stress Less - 60 Inspirational Designs
Geometric Patterns Vol 2 – Colour More, Stress Less – 60 Inspirational Designs

I am so excited :). Over the last few months, I have been working on a series of  ‘colouring books for grown-ups’. Now, the first two books in the series are finally here and available for purchase. Creating all the designs in these books has brought me such joy – and did I tell you I am excited 🙂 Despite the best laid plans and trying to forsee all the possible scenarios of things to be aware of, invariably I did come across a few unexpected problems.   I got those problems sorted out though and have stored that info away so the process will be a little more streamlined for future book releases. Creating these books has been a real labour of love and I am truly happy with the outcome. My Geometric Patterns Colouring Books are now available in two volumes, not surprisingly, Volume 1 and Volume 2. Volume 3 currently ‘in progress’ 🙂

What is Behind the Creation of These Colouring Books?

These books came about as a result of my love of colouring and geometric repeating patterns. I have loved geometrics and repeating patterns for as long as I can remember. I love Cross Stitch, Blackwork and Hardanger hand embroidery as well as patchwork and quilting. All these interests have an obvious geometric and/or repeating patterns base in the design and construction elements. Many of the colouring pages reflect Patchwork and Quilting geometric patterns.

Colourinig isn’t just for kids. If you haven’t tried ‘colouring books for adults’ I cannot recommend it highly enough. For me, I find ‘colouring’ very soothing and calming. It takes me to a place where the stresses of life simply can’t reach.

About the Designs in These Two Volumes

The designs in these two books range from quite simple to complex. If you are new to ‘colouring’ start with some of the simpler designs and then move through to  more complex levels as your confidence grows. Please don’t feel as though you need to finish a colouring page in one sitting. That would be possible for some of the simpler designs but not so for the more complex designs.  I tend to have a couple of simple designs and a few more complex designs ‘on the go’ at the same time. This way, I find it gives me ‘thinking room’ to decide how I want to colour the next section of the more complex designs.

For many of the designs you will see a certain pattern when you look at it from one direction and another pattern when you look at it from a different direction. I think this is one of the things I love about geometric repeating patterns. I have included two ‘colourings’ of one of the designs in each book just to give you an idea of the different results that can be achieved from the same pattern.

A selection of designs from each volume are shown below 🙂

Where Are The Books Available?

Both books are availbale in two formats. They are available as a paperback from Amazon or as a downloadable ebook from my With Fabric and Threads Etsy shop or my Tangled Line Art Etsy shop. If you purchase the downloadable version, you have the added advantage of being able to print out your designs as many times as you need (for personal use only). You can also choose what type of paper you would like to print the designs on. As an example, you may want to colour some of the simpler designs using watercolour pencils. In this case, I would recommend you print you design on a watercolour paper. Maybe you would prefer to use gel pens on a smooth or textured paper for one of the more complex designs. Not sure,why not try a few options:) Both formats of the books have exactly the same content.

I truly hope you like the designs I have made availble for you and wish you many hours of colouring, stress free time. I would love to see your coloured pages ‘in progress’ and/or finished. Please feel free to contact me if your have any queries or to send me copies of your finished colouring pages. I woud love to see them. It always fascinates me how the one design can produce so many totally different results.

Most importantly, Enjoy your colouring 🙂

Geometric Patterns Colouring Books – Now Available

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